Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is McDonald Coca Cola Bitterness?

What is McDonald Coca Cola Bitterness?

Last March 15, 2009, I ordered a value meal in Anonas, Quezon City, McDonald's. I had my order to be taken out. I checked my bag-o'-meal if all's in already. Burger, check. Fries, check. Drink, check. Check, check, CHECK! Every customer who orders compulsory thing to do is to check if all's in - NOT TASTE the food because all is to be consumed OUT! Out for TAKEOUT dammit!
In the safety of my room I started gobbling up my burger and fries. To my disgust and dismay, the moment the coke touched my taste buds when I hurriedly reached for it to take a hearty sip, the bitterness of what ever it is that makes colas taste made me lost my appetite.
I don't think the customers have a problem here. IT IS NOT OUR DUTY TO TASTE OUR FOOD IF WE'RE TAKING IT OUT. The takeout is the something-to-look-forward-to thing.
McDonald's here in the Philippines have their new paper placemat. It includes their measure for food handling and other "cleanliness" measures (Speaking of this cleanliness thing of restaurants, watch out for my entry re: the hideous act janitors do that you ALWAYS as them to do.) . I think they should include taking a sip before serving/selling in their placemat and, of course, their action.



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