Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is Losing Faith?

What is Losing Faith?

Who's losing faith? Are you? I am - a li'l. I'm losing faith in Filipinos. In us. It's just that, whenever people attempt to make a super duper revolt, tell everybody that now's the time to rock and roll, people (Pinoys (them, because I'm not like them. Because I don't think like them.)) DON'T SHOW UP? Bestest examples are Manila Peninsula Rebellion (November 29, 2007), Oakwood Mutiny (July 27, 2009), and Ladlad Party List (2007). The people who are responsible for these (should be commended) "prepared" a way for all their target people to come and fight for whatever it is that they are fighting for but did people come out and helped? Did these people, who make their own rallies for rights helped? NO! Stupid! I remember Trillanes announced to the people of Republic of Bananas to come out and join him. Again, what happened? People didn't show up. Did these people purposely do these things because they don't want to be just at the tail of the (lime)light? Tsk tsk tsk. Cowards.

