Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is Losing Faith?

What is Losing Faith?

Who's losing faith? Are you? I am - a li'l. I'm losing faith in Filipinos. In us. It's just that, whenever people attempt to make a super duper revolt, tell everybody that now's the time to rock and roll, people (Pinoys (them, because I'm not like them. Because I don't think like them.)) DON'T SHOW UP? Bestest examples are Manila Peninsula Rebellion (November 29, 2007), Oakwood Mutiny (July 27, 2009), and Ladlad Party List (2007). The people who are responsible for these (should be commended) "prepared" a way for all their target people to come and fight for whatever it is that they are fighting for but did people come out and helped? Did these people, who make their own rallies for rights helped? NO! Stupid! I remember Trillanes announced to the people of Republic of Bananas to come out and join him. Again, what happened? People didn't show up. Did these people purposely do these things because they don't want to be just at the tail of the (lime)light? Tsk tsk tsk. Cowards.



Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is a Guilt Fuck?

What is a Guilt Fuck?

Learn from this example.

Guilt Fuck


Cast: All Males

Si Adan ay partner ni Eve...

Si Adan kinan*bleep* si Steve.

Si Adan na-inlove kay Steve.

Si Adan nirequest-an ni Eve na magkan*bleep*an sila bago maghiwalay.

Si Adan ay nakareceive ng one of the most amazing kan*bleep* from Eve. [Feeling tuloy ni Adan, dapat bumalik s'ya sa una n'ya (Eve)]

Si Adan na-guilty.

Si Adan nakatikim ng Guilt Fuck.

Si Adan bumalik kay Eve. ANG GUILT FUCK, Bow.

I posted this in a personals site a long time ago. Movie example is Closer
( http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/closer/ ).
Character of Clive Owen gives the character of Julia Roberts a fuck. A guilt fuck, lagies and gentlemen.



What is Magic: The Gathering Art?

What is Magic: The Gathering Art?

My gay friend introduced me to this card game. This game is sooo brainy. It's an international game. I'm no longer playing this BUT I collect cards. It has amazing art and intelligent flavor texts. See for yourselves. Click the link. ( http://www.magicdeckvortex.com/art_links.htm )

What is Rebecca Guay Art?

What is Rebecca Guay Art?
I super duper love her art. My first encounter with her art was thru Magic Cards. Click the link. ( http://www.wizards.com/magic/ ). My gay friend introduced me to her art. Amazing. The color combinations are magical. The clothes of her muses are really great. She can be an equally great fashion designer. See for yourselves. Click the link. ( http://www.rebeccaguay.com/ )



What is McDonald Coca Cola Bitterness?

What is McDonald Coca Cola Bitterness?

Last March 15, 2009, I ordered a value meal in Anonas, Quezon City, McDonald's. I had my order to be taken out. I checked my bag-o'-meal if all's in already. Burger, check. Fries, check. Drink, check. Check, check, CHECK! Every customer who orders compulsory thing to do is to check if all's in - NOT TASTE the food because all is to be consumed OUT! Out for TAKEOUT dammit!
In the safety of my room I started gobbling up my burger and fries. To my disgust and dismay, the moment the coke touched my taste buds when I hurriedly reached for it to take a hearty sip, the bitterness of what ever it is that makes colas taste made me lost my appetite.
I don't think the customers have a problem here. IT IS NOT OUR DUTY TO TASTE OUR FOOD IF WE'RE TAKING IT OUT. The takeout is the something-to-look-forward-to thing.
McDonald's here in the Philippines have their new paper placemat. It includes their measure for food handling and other "cleanliness" measures (Speaking of this cleanliness thing of restaurants, watch out for my entry re: the hideous act janitors do that you ALWAYS as them to do.) . I think they should include taking a sip before serving/selling in their placemat and, of course, their action.



What is a Rovilson Bikini?

What is a Rovilson Bikini?

Did you watch Ang Pinaka ( March 22, 2009 ) of Rovilson Fernandez in Qtv Channel 11? Rovilson's head was pasted on the guy who's wearing a ( man ) bikini ( really true. it does exist ) is from Alexander McQueen's Spring 2009 Collection ( http://men.style.com/fashion/collections/S2009MEN/complete/thumb/AMCMEN?trend=&page=3 ).

I want a Rovilson Bikini.




Thursday, March 19, 2009

Information-rich Site.

Information-rich Site

Okay. Here's the deal. I will post as much topics (because life is full of happy and sad shit) as I can every week. I need time to gather and think for these (as well as recall because I am inserting my happinsess and sadness form the past 'cause WE ALL LEARN (not SHOULD but MUST) from the past. To make ammends, I will be posting in-between weeks if I'm very needed. I'm writing about my week as a whole, fashion, politics, artists, normal people and their opposite, animals (if there are any), advertisements, and MEN, of course because I'm GAY. This part will include love and... sex.

For those who can't bear what I'd and will be posted, help me understand.






Hi, boys and girls.

Name's TwinkBig (twinkbigtwinkbigtwinkbig.blogspot.com ).
This blog is for people who wish to be informed about/of life's usual and unusual ebbs and flows. This blog contains up-to-date infos with historical info here and there.
Correct me for my grammar and spelling problems.
I'm a grammar-and-speller snoop so, it'll be a great help.

Thank you.

